Inorevia News

Inorevia at ESHG Conference 2023

We’re thrilled to be part of the European Human Genetics conference 2023 taking place at Glasgow Scottish Event Campus (SEC) on June 10th - 13th.

Are you dealing with challenging, degraded or low input samples and need to bypass your kits’ lower limit? Are you looking for a high-quality sample preparation solution with unparalleled yields?

Meet INOREVIA team at Booth #536 to discover the Magelia®, an all-in-one capillary platform enabling full automation of multi-omics applications. Our team will be happy to tell you more about the Magelia® and walk you through a demo.

Come say hi to our Application development Lead, Sebastian Aguilar Pierlé, who will present our poster in collaboration with the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) genomics core entitled: “Evaluating a novel multi-omics automation platform for input reduction in transcriptomic studies.”

He’ll be happy to discuss with you how samples treated in our platform showed improved transcriptional resolution starting with up to 500x less material.

The poster session will take place on June 11th in poster hall 4 at 13:00 poster session PV01, poster # P16.037.A
2023-06-10 11:33 Events